"Available Now"

You are not lost.
You are rediscovering yourself.
The missing piece in all of our searching is Evolution.
Stripping down to her soul and revealing her own personal transformation, Latia Vaughan “The Dream Pusher” creates three compelling levels that will teach you HOW to get out of the quicksand of life, overcome the resistance of change, and awaken your God-given “Sticky”! Discover the formula that has already launched masses across the nation into self-discovery!
Simple. Effective. Revolutionary.
Are you ready for the PUSH?

Business Woman. Thought Leader. Strategist. Speaker. International Best Selling Author…
Although she holds many titles and has accomplished much in her lifetime, at the core Latia Vaughan, “The Dream Pusher” is simply a Fire Starter! Across the nation, she uses
her 12 + years of experience in marketing, training, branding, coaching, project planning, and management development to launch businesses and individuals to their next level!
However, in 2012 Latia reached a major turning point in her life when she was faced with one life altering transition and two choices… Settle or Evolve! From that experience she documented her own journey to rediscovery and birthed “REdiscoverU” a 21-Day on-line journey, impacting over 45,000 lives internationally.
CEO's, Religious Leaders, Homemakers, Creatives and every day people all over the world have collided at the same intersection of self-discovery because of the REDISCOVERU Journey.
Today, Latia Vaughan is the CEO of The UNetwork, and Founder of The PUSH Society and REdiscoverU Movement…
No matter the stage or the setting, she has the undeniable ability to ignite your passion, put fuel to your purpose, and foster your spiritual, personal or professional growth.
One encounter with “The Dream Pusher” will leave you ready to take on the world…
With the tools to actually DO IT!